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About Us

The best spots in one place

'MxiMZ' was conceived out a deep longing to provide clients with high-quality websites and ensure that these websites maximised the identities of the clients by playing a pivotally relevant role in brand enhancement. A passionate believer in the power of the internet to exponentially maximize businesses and connect people, she could not resist continously seeking an opportunity to delve competely in the web world.
After years of having engaged the internet to enhanced her realty business, as well as encouraging others develope a web presence, she decided to build a 'full- services' web design and web developement company in Pune.
The crack team of geek-experts who are experienced domain specialists in various platforms, share her vision of ensuring that virtual presences translate into real-time profits and maximized reach, for clients.

- Rani Wilfred

Founder & CEO Prime Web Media

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